April 27th, 2018
Friday April 27th
May: ROAR Focus: A– stands for Attentive. We use our eyes and ears to pay attention and our brain to think about what is happening.
Growth Mindset Affirmation: “I get stronger when it’s difficult”
Please Save the Date and your Books to donate: Thursday, May 17th 6:00-8:00pm – We look forward to welcoming families to our Reading Night. Reading Night 2018 (1)
Friday May 4th – no school for students. It is a Professional Development Day for staff.
Safe Arrival Program Reminders:
- call or email the school when your child will be late or absent
- Parents and guardians have a responsibility to contact the school when a child will be late or absent.
You now have two ways to contact the school to report your child’s absence or late arrival – available 24hrs 7 Days a Week:
- Call Us – Our Attendance Line can be reached by calling 519-578-5430 dialing extension #1. Spell your child’s name, provide grade, class, and reason for the absence.
- Email us – You can send an email to wsm-attendance@wrdsb.ca and include the following information:
- Subject Line: Student’s Name
- Body of Email: Student’s name, grade, class, your name, and the reason for the absence.