October 2018

Dear Westmount Parents:

We are excited to announce that this year our Breakfast Program will be partnering with Nutrition For Learning.

Our Westmount Breakfast Program offers all students a variety of foods, all of which meet the expectations of Canada’s Food Guide.

Our Breakfast Program begins at 8:45am Monday-Friday and students may enter the back doors of the school and walk to the servery beside the gym.  All students are welcome!

Today a fundraising card has come home with your child, please consider a donation of $2.00 to help support Nutrition For Learning at Westmount P.S.

If you are interested in Volunteering with our Breakfast Program we can always use more assistance, please let us know at the office. (Monday- Friday 8:30-9:00am)

We would also like to acknowledge the incredible support of our neighbouring Tim Horton’s franchises who donate bagels and milk daily to our Breakfast Program.

A very special thank you is extended to Krista Vasiga and Daniela O’Neill for all of their continual support towards our Breakfast Program!